Safer World: The Achievement Gap

Safer World

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The Achievement Gap

Why aren't African-Americans achieving all that they could? American blacks are twice as likely to be in poverty as non-blacks, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and they make nearly $5,000 a year less, on average. What exactly is standing in their way? That's not an easy question, but some compelling and controversial answers are coming from an unexpected source: economics.

Economists who studied racial inequality were once viewed with skepticism, even by other economists. In the 1970s, Glenn Loury's Ph.D. classmates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology joked that his economics thesis began: "This dissertation is concerned with the economics of racism. I define racism as a single-valued, continuous mapping...."

The joke is now on them, as economists have dug up insight after insight in the field. Now Loury's young co-author, Harvard's Roland Fryer, is attracting attention for his study of "acting white," where black kids who work hard at school are said to be ostracized by their peers. Despite a lot of talk about the problem--Barack Obama raised it in his famous speech to the Democratic National Convention--some academic researchers weren't convinced that it existed. Their surveys showed that kids who were doing well at school, whether black or white, had lots of friends.

Fryer argued that asking a teenager how many friends he had wasn't any more likely to produce the truth than asking him whether he was a virgin. Instead, he sifted through a database of the social connections of 90,000 teens, judging a teen's popularity based not on their own claims but on whether other teens named them as a friend. His conclusion was that hardworking black and Hispanic children, unlike non-Hispanic white kids, lost friends if they studied hard.

Fryer has an economic explanation of why white nerds get an easier ride from their peers. Members of minority groups often face a choice between learning something that the minority group values (say, street slang) or learning something that is more widely valued (say, accountancy). Someone who chooses the minority activity is making a commitment to the group--hence it's natural for him to enjoy more trust. And Fryer points to similar behavior by Italian immigrants in 1950s Boston; by the Burakumin in Japan, who are descendants of what was traditionally a low caste; and even in some traditional Amish communities.

It's a bold piece of work in a sensitive area. But of course, there is much more to the racial achievement gap. Urban poverty, for instance, surely plays a role. Economists are looking into this, too. Jeffrey Kling of the Brookings Institution is among those who've studied the "Moving to Opportunity" program, where poor (usually black) families were offered incentives to move to a wealthier neighborhood. Because the incentives were offered to families on a random basis-- just as a pharmaceutical trial would randomize who received the drug and who got the placebo--the results are unusually reliable for economic research. Kling found that those who moved to richer neighborhoods were happier and less likely to be the victims of crime, but their test scores didn't improve. By way of explanation, he argues that the new schools just weren't much better than the old ones. Kling's research suggests that disadvantage doesn't just float around the neighborhood: You can identify specific causes, such as family poverty and the quality of schools.

These factors clearly make a difference, according to the co-author of Freakonomics, Steven Levitt. Working with Fryer, he produced a statistical analysis of the gap in test scores between first-grade black and white kids. While big, it is entirely explainable by differences in factors such as family poverty and the number of books in these kids' homes. Later on, the achievement gap widens beyond what can be explained purely by poverty. It's at this point that "acting white" becomes a factor.

But what about discrimination? Economists have studied it closely, but they have a habit of asking unnerving questions--such as, what is discrimination? Economists distinguish between "taste-based" discrimination, where racist employers refuse to give minorities a job because they don't like minorities, and "statistical" discrimination. When an employer considers an applicant's race as a marker for his or her ability, that's statistical discrimination.

Both types of discrimination are rightly illegal. Both prejudge applicants as members of a group rather than as individuals. So the distinction might seem like logic-chopping, especially if you're black, well-qualified and jobless.

Economists say there's all the difference in the world, and that statistical discrimination is, if anything, more pernicious, because it can withstand competition. A racist who turns down workers even though he knows them to be competent will take a hit to the bottom line, but statistical discrimination could improve profits, which makes it harder to stamp out. As long as an employer can learn something extra from an applicant's race that he can't learn from looking at a résumé--about the likely quality of the school the applicant attended, perhaps--then the worrying possibility for profitable discrimination exists. Non-racial statistical discrimination is actually rather common: An insurer will consider your age and your sex when deciding how much to charge for auto insurance. Why? Because the stereotypes, however crude and however unfair to individuals, contain a bit of extra information.

Fryer and two colleagues, Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt, showed how statistical discrimination could easily lead to a vicious circle. They used computer-based classroom games that assigned students the role of employers, "purple" workers and "green" workers. Students in the role of employers quickly jumped to the mistaken conclusion that purple workers were uneducated, and that view became self-fulfilling, as purple workers abandoned hope of getting hired and stopped paying for education. Once the downward spiral set in, a color-blind employer would actually lose money.

"I was amazed," recalls Fryer. "The kids were really angry. The purple workers would say, 'I'm not investing [in an education] because you won't hire me', and the employers would respond 'I didn't hire you because you weren't investing.' The initial asymmetries came about because of chance, but people would hang onto them and wouldn't let them go."

Fighting statistical discrimination requires a different strategy to fighting taste-based discrimination. In the computer simulation, equality could be restored if all workers were known to have acquired education--perhaps because of an educational subsidy. Taste-based discrimination, on the other hand, won't go away just because the statistics change.

And there is still plenty of discrimination. In fact, economists have produced some of the most convincing evidence of racism in the modern job market. The method is alarmingly simple and has been used for decades in the U.K.: Draw up résumés, but toss a coin to see whether each résumé is assigned to the minority group or the majority group. These studies have uncovered British discrimination against immigrants from Asia, the West Indies and Africa--but far less evidence of discrimination against white immigrants from France and Australia.

Economists Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan recently conducted a large study along these lines in the U.S., mailing out nearly 5,000 résumés after randomly assigning them black-sounding names like Jamal or Ebony or white-sounding names like Kristen or Brendan.

Not only did the "black" résumés get fewer callbacks, but employers didn't even seem to notice whether the résumés were any good or not. They just stopped reading at "Jamal."

Economists tend to assume that people respond to the incentives they face. If that's true, we have to face up to the fact that young black Americans are facing some lousy choices. There is a lot of work for all of us to do.


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